Where do I think that I will be in four years time? It will be 2013, and I will be 37years old. This month, my blog is four years old, and is made up of 769 posts (including this one!). If I go back to the start, I lived in Warsaw, then I moved to Paris, after that I went on holiday to Canada, before going back to Warsaw for a few months. That was followed by six months in North Yorkshire, and the move to Budapest, which is where I currently reside. It does not feel like I long time, four years, but I seem to have squeezed a lot into there.
When I contemplate the fact that I have been writing on here for four years it makes my head spin a little. I suppose that the larger part of myself is imagining that I have just been living away from England for a few months. I still don't really consider myself to be an 'ex-pat', in any sense of the word. Moving around so much has made every choice feel like a crossroads, and even now I feel the feet itching once again.
In four years time, I would like to think that things would be different all over again. New faces, new challenges and new cities. The idea that I will be 37 is freaking me out more than a little though, as like so many people, I feel 26. All the change breathes new life into me and the altering landscape blows away all cobwebs. Will I still be blogging in four years time? Of that, I am least certain of all things.
"Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out"
Vaclav Havel