Most weekends, I would be very happy indeed if I managed to maintain my solitude from the moment I left school on Fridays, until the moment I return on Mondays. This weekend I am already contemplating the array of things that I have been asked to do, and after a week that has felt incredibly long, I have to say that I think I will mix up the sociability and solitude a little.
Obviously, there is Hungarian after school, a coffee and a Hungarian chat in a Kavehaz down the road from work. This is always a good way to start the weekend as I enjoy the lessons much more than I really should in my Friday knackered state. After the lesson, either dinner with the girls or a little housewarming in Buda, depends on how tired I am. Tomorrow, there could be a visit to the Budapest Model United Nations, or perhaps a drama production at the Merlin Theatre? Sunday is a trip to Ikea courtesy of the people who stayed in my flat a few weeks ago.
Although it makes me very happy to have the choice of staying in or going out, it has become clear to me over the last few weeks that I choose the time alone because it is simple. Controlling what goes on around you is easier when you are by yourself and have to answer to no-one else, but I am not sure how healthy it is to want to hide away so much. Being out in the world with other humans can be brilliant, but recently, not matter how much I enjoy being with the new people I meet in Budapest, it always sends me scurrying back into the world I inhabit in my own head. At least I am more sociable than I was a few months ago, maybe things are changing.