I drove to York early to give my last lecture at the University there. I left the house at about 7.00 and drove through the cold, rain and semi dark morning to arrive all fresh and looking for coffee. This time I got to talk about my experiences in International schools. What it was like to live and work abroad and also to explain the difference between some of the systems that are used in these schools overseas.
Sometimes, when I think of the last three years I still can't believe that I managed to live in Poland and France. Since university I has wanted so much to live in another country that I never could quite believe that I managed it. Hopefully, the excitement will continue on the European continent when I hear about the job I am dreaming of. Whatever happens, I was pleased to be able to share the huge benefits I have gained from the experiences I had in Warsaw and Paris.
Tomorrow is the day that I am both dreading and desiring in equal measure. To go back to the school and the lessons that I started my teaching career with will give me a sense of how far I have come. Even popping in yesterday to get my timetable and chat to staff felt very comfortable. Things are moving along nicely now. Change is in the air again. Now I can breathe deeply.