How strange and beautiful this feeling is. To imagine that so much life has been lived, so many things discussed, seen, loved, eaten and felt that there is too much to write.
K and N have come and gone but left behind a memory of our friendship that burns stronger than it did before. They treated me like a princess, the special birthday girl that is seeing something big that they too have seen. I feel safe and warm inside our friendship and know that things are better in the world because they are there.
D and L have come and gone too, another afternoon spent doing things that calm and excite at the same time. The routines that we find ourselves in means I can exhale, I feel no pressure when they are there. They just notice the little things, want to make tomorrow special, like a 30th birthday is. I have no idea of they understand that just being there, just wanting something special for me is all I need.
Life flows on and I have a whole mass of new photos to prove it. As the day of the 30th birthday approaches, I find that the knot in my stomach is tightening. It seems less important now that it is nearly here, but the pressure is on to make some decisions. I opened Joannes gift a day early. It was the Idlewild album I have wanted for ages. I have listened to it over and over again.
"You said something, you said something stupid like
Loves steals us from loneliness
Happy birthday, are you lonely yet?"
"That if my words were clearer
Then maybe I would know what I'm trying to say"